"Building on Samui for more than 20 years"


Palm Construction adds further peace of mind with a 10-Year Structural Guarantee, backed by a third party. We implement a 6-month and 1-year return-to-site policy for each property upon completion and do the same for the communal structures and amenities on all our developments.
Safeguards for Longevity


Site Identification & Analysis
We apply in-house, stringent building regulations to guarantee “build-ability” and ensure that your property is constructed to work with its surroundings.

Design & Construction Evaluation – including full risk and cost analysis, plus assessment of appropriate quality materials.

Structural Integrity
– to ensure that all foundations and support structures are solid and durable and are documented and logged through
every stage of construction.

High Quality Building Materials
– a manufacturer’s guarantee is always sought on all materials used as a secondary security for the buyer.

Technical Due Diligence
– based on international standards of safety and performance and implemented on a daily basis.